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Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Licensing

With Microsoft Lync Server 2013, users will find advanced connectivity functionality, with the capabilities to connect to millions across the world via Windows 8, iOS, Android, and other operating systems and mobile devices. Improving productivity through advanced communication is the core of Microsoft’s latest release of Lync Server, which offers users an enriching communications experience. Incorporating instant messaging, video communications, Skype, and many other platforms, connectivity was never easier or more rewarding. Reliable connections with others, no matter where you are, no matter where they are, along with the ability to use multiple devices that best suit a user’s needs make this amazing tool a critical asset for any business enterprise.

Dependable and easy to use, Lync Server 2013 utilizes an intuitive system to easily manage communications and applications to chat, message, assign tasks, attend meetings and conferences, and share information with others. It’s a solid new vision that improves upon the previous incarnations and incorporates expansive client compatibility.

PowerPoint Sharing
Lync has improved the PowerPoint sharing capabilities, so that presentations can be better viewed on new, high-resolution displays. As an added function, users viewing a presentation can view the slides at their own pace.

Conference Support
Conference Support for Mac Users and others without the Lync Server client—an important and impressive component of the 2013 edition, users on other platforms or not using Lync can still connect to conferences with full audio and video via the Lync Web app.

Server Role Inegrations
Earlier versions of Lync utilized separate server roles for its various functions; the 2013 edition rolls all function into one Front End Server, though the option to utilize an additional server for roles such as A/V conferencing is still available should the user prefer it.

Introduce Your Clients to Lync Server 2013

Partner with AwesomeCloud and resell Microsoft’s Lync Server 2013 to grow your Managed Services business. Contact us by phone at 855.2.THECLOUD, by email at [email protected], or by filling out a quick contact form.