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Microsoft Office 2013 Licensing

The new edition of Microsoft Office is now being made available to all Channel Partners to offer to each of their clients, enabling more comprehensive market distribution to the highly anticipated cloud services that will allow companies and individuals worldwide to benefit from the advanced and enhanced features found in the software.

The new Office has been streamlined and cleaned up, giving it a fresh, attractive new look, while still retaining most of its core features, along with plenty of exciting new ones. Office 2013 also works fluidly with other media devices such as tablets, smartphones, and of course, the cloud, so that users can even work on Office documents without actually having Office installed on their PC. User’s personal settings will remain intact across all platforms.

As is typical for Office products, various tiers and subscriptions will be available to suit user’s specific needs. Users also don’t have to worry about updates; they’ll occur automatically.

Improve Your Clients' Productivity By Offering Microsoft Office 2013

Partner with AwesomeCloud and resell Microsoft Office 2013 licensing to grow your Managed Services business. Contact us by phone at 855.2.THECLOUD, by email at [email protected], or by filling out a quick contact form.