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Private Cloud

Private Clouds and Cloud Resellers

Private Clouds and Cloud Resellers

This is the final blog post dedicated to the ‘Big 5′ Initiatives that Awesome Cloud is rolling out in 2013. This blog post focuses on enabling Channel Partners to offer private cloud deployments as part of their managed services business. Many of our Channel Partners have expressed an interest in delivering dedicated (private) cloud environments to their clients in 2013.… read more >>
AwesomeCloud’s 2013 Roadmap

AwesomeCloud’s 2013 Roadmap

Today, businesses that offer cloud services are often delivered a set of services from multiple vendors and are expected to piece them together into solutions for their clients. They’re provided with the raw building blocks without any guidance to help build a complete solution. Worse, businesses often find that the resources they've been provided are not designed to meet their… read more >>