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System Center

Online Portal Available to Channel Partners

Online Portal Available to Channel Partners

We are proud to announce that the first release of the AwesomeCloud Online Portal is now available to our channel partners and cloud resellers. We have completed our initial round of Q&A testing and the portal is ready to roll. The release of the self-service online portal coincides with our release of App Controller for Virtual Machine Management and our… read more >>
VM Management Via App Controller Now Available to Partners

VM Management Via App Controller Now Available to Partners

The AwesomeCloud team is happy to announce that our channel partners now have the ability to manage their virtual machines through Microsoft’s App Controller for System Center 2012. By leveraging App Controller, you will be able to start, stop and restart each of your virtual machines over the web. This will also provide you with up-to-date information, such as the… read more >>
Addressing Cloud Computing Security Risks

Addressing Cloud Computing Security Risks

If you’re considering offering cloud services, or you already are, you've probably heard of the benefits (reduced CAPEX, on-demand access, metered service, etc.) that go along with cloud computing. Those benefits can be a huge win for your clients, and they can also create a recurring revenue stream for your business. What about the perceived risks of cloud computing? In… read more >>
Takeaways from Microsoft’s 2013 Worldwide Partner Conference

Takeaways from Microsoft’s 2013 Worldwide Partner Conference

The latest Worldwide Partner Conference hosted by Microsoft was held between July 7th and 11th in Houston, Texas. There was an amazing turnout and cloud computing was all of the buzz was once again, but this time the cloud buzz was fully Microsoft focused around Azure and the Cloud OS (Windows Server, System Center and Azure). Many people are aware… read more >>