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Online Portal

Online Portal Available to Channel Partners

Online Portal Available to Channel Partners

We are proud to announce that the first release of the AwesomeCloud Online Portal is now available to our channel partners and cloud resellers. We have completed our initial round of Q&A testing and the portal is ready to roll. The release of the self-service online portal coincides with our release of App Controller for Virtual Machine Management and our… read more >>
Online Portal / Control Panel for Channel Partners

Online Portal / Control Panel for Channel Partners

As we continue through 2013, improving your experience with the Awesome Cloud platform remains our highest priority. A survey of our Channel Partners revealed that one of their top 2012 requests was an integrated Online Portal / Control Panel designed to handle everyday tasks. At the beginning of 2013 we began developing an Online Portal that our Channel Partners can… read more >>
AwesomeCloud’s 2013 Roadmap

AwesomeCloud’s 2013 Roadmap

Today, businesses that offer cloud services are often delivered a set of services from multiple vendors and are expected to piece them together into solutions for their clients. They’re provided with the raw building blocks without any guidance to help build a complete solution. Worse, businesses often find that the resources they've been provided are not designed to meet their… read more >>