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Reminder: Web-Based Cisco Firewall Access and IP Address Changes

Reminder: Web-Based Cisco Firewall Access and IP Address Changes

By | December 5, 2013

Cisco LogoWe are happy to announce that you can now remotely manage your Cisco ASA virtual firewall (“Network Solution”) using the Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) software. To begin remotely managing your Cisco firewall, please visit the https interface address of your firewall, download the ASDM software after being prompted to do so, and then install the ASDM software on your local machine.

Cisco ASDMAfter you install the ASDM software, you will be able to fully manage and monitor your AwesomeCloud virtual firewall. Once you are able to remotely manage your Cisco firewall, you’ll need to update your legacy IP address to current AwesomeCloud address IP addresses.

These updates needs to be completed before December 15th, 2013. If the AwesomeCloud team can assist you, please schedule a call with our support team.

Schedule a Support Call to Update My IP Addresses

What’s Being Converted and How

To make the IP address update process as smooth as possible, we’ve pre-assigned IP addresses that will be a 1-to-1 conversion of what you are currently using. Each of your legacy IP addresses will be replaced by a new address that already works in the AwesomeCloud network and should not need to be converted again (as we directly control our own IP blocks).

Please refer to your customized Visio diagram that we previously delivered via email regarding the Cisco ASA context configuration, and the old and new addressing. Old addressing is printed in red; the new replacement addressing is printed in green. Addresses assigned to the servers themselves (the private 10.96.x.x addressing) will not change, just the public-NAT addressing for those servers will change.

The following addresses must be changed:

  • Public addresses used by your servers behind your Cisco ASA firewall. In most cases, this is a single address per server.
  • Public interface addressing used by the ASA firewall itself. In most cases, this is a single address.

As a reminder, by surfing to the main public interface address of your Cisco ASA firewall on port 443, you will be prompted to download the Cisco ASDM management software that allows you to make the necessary changes. If you are more comfortable having AwesomeCloud NOC configure the firewall instead as a Professional Services request, please schedule this request using our support request form as soon as possible to effectuate a smooth transition.

If you have any VPN services (site-to-site or remote-user) with your Cisco ASA Network Solution, those VPN services will need to be converted by an AwesomeCloud network administrator at a date and time that you specify. Only AwesomeCloud team members can convert your VPN services.

We are happy to state that the new IP addresses are already working and in place. All that remains is for you to convert your legacy IP addresses to the new addressing on the server and in your operations use. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Changing any DNS information that refers to the old 70.35.x.x address. This is optional and only recommended if you were previously using legacy DNS servers provided to you and not specific ones you chose.
  • Changing any connection-string or any other information that refers to your servers by their old 70.35.x.x addressing.

Important Notice

There is a hard-deadline of December 15th to have your addressing converted. If you are concerned about converting within this time frame please let us know so that we can work with you to achieve this goal in time. Also, please keep in mind that AwesomeCloud cannot enter your servers or firewalls without authorization.

Questions? Concerns?

We are constantly improving our services delivery to you and your clients; if there’s anything we can do to help or improve on this, or you have technical questions related to this conversion process, feel free to let us know at any time by reaching out to our US-based Support Team by completing an online support request, by phone (866-706-8691), or by emailing [email protected]

About Dan Farrell

As Director of Network Operations, Dan Farrell is responsible for management of security and uptime of the Awesome Cloud Services network. A network engineer by trade, Dan serves a range of functions at Awesome Cloud. He maintains the policies and procedures related to network operations, as well as engaging with clients to resolve individual security needs. He also maintains the Awesome Cloud Services data center infrastructure, including physical maintenance and monitoring.
